Terminator franchise star and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger told Channel Nine's Weekend Today this weekend that even with the low box office numbers for Terminator: Genisys last year, the franchise expects to return for another...
A Fox news website reported that Oklahoma City authorities have captured an alleged man from the future. And no, it wasn’t a Terminator looking for John Connor or JJ Abrams filming a new “Star Wars” movie. Dante Rashad Anderson, 36, arrived seeking nourishment from a Carl’s Jr. Burger joint. After he screamed for food, employees told him to leave. His search for nourishment led him to an Arby’s restaurant. A witness said he jumped over the counter like Chuck Norris, and then helped himself to some bacon and chicken.
Wikimedia Commons/ Stephen Bowler UK
Cops later found Anderson with his stolen food outside a Taco restaurant. When asked why he stole the food, Anderson said he was hungry and no one would help him. He then told cops he was from four years into the future. He claimed everyone was dead in his time, and taking food is what future people do. Authorities haven’t confirmed if he arrived in a time machine or rocket ship. Anderson said he just walked from the future.
He is safely locked away at an Oklahoma City Jail where he will be charged for various offenses and examined for mental issues. Anderson’s situation is similar to John Connor’s. No one believed Connor either when he mentioned the arrival of people from the future.
To assess his story, authorities have likely questioned him about the future. For instance, they may have asked Anderson to identify the next president or does he know who will win the next four Super Bowls. And if he is from the future, why did he visit Arby’s?
Had he requested a press conference, he may have received an invitation from the Obamas since they are known for their support of illegalaliens. But if Anderson is from the future, would the law consider him illegal? Additional information about this story is available at KOCO.com
WATCH: This Donnie Yen Vs. Mike Tyson Fight From Is BRUTAL!
Here’s an incredible fight scene between Donnie Yen and Mike Tyson!
Who’s going to come out on top when it comes to Tyson’s superior boxing skills (with a few kicks here and there) and Donie Yen’s martial arts skills which include Judo, Wing Chun, Muay Thai and many other disciplines? Tyson is a powerhouse and he let’s it loose sticking and moving and unleashing some serious power on Yen! Regardless of the outcome, Tyson indeed looks great in this film. He holds his own against Yen, who has the superior range as far as skill goes, but all it takes is that classic Tyson precision plus power shot to come out on top!
IP MAN 3 is the third installment of this blockbuster martial arts series starring Yen and Tyson. This long awaited film no doubt delivers if this amazing fight sequence is any indication!
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The revolutionary new technology brings is one step closer to the dream of Nikola Tesla and worldwide access to free wireless energy.
Tesla was a creator, a scientific genius and an innovator. Among his numerous inventions, Nikola Tesla dreamed of creating a technology that would allow mankind to live with the aid of free energy. His goal was to create a way to supply power to the entire planet without wires hanging around the globe.
The first system that was capable of transmitting electricity wirelessly, the Tesla Coil, was one of the greatest accomplishments of the Great Nikola Tesla, a true mad scientist’ that was eager to make life on Earth better.
Today, we aren’t living in Tesla’s Time, we are way behind schedule. In today’s world, wireless power transfer systems or WPT’s, which allow electricity to be transmitted across distances are extremely limited and are only good enough to charge cradles for phones and other gadgets. This means that the technology is incomplete, or undeveloped as it is little more than a nice feature with an extremely wide yet ‘limited’ range of electronic equipment.
The functionality of WPT systems is even more hampered since the gadget which is to be charged, needs to be placed on top of the charging pad. Moving the gadget away from the charging pad will result in the gadget not being charged, so you just might as well have it plugged in, into the wall.
According to commercial ‘wireless’ technology, wireless charging range is limited to a maximum distance of 5 metres.
Tesla, however, achieved more than that one hundred years ago.
In 1908, Tesla described his sensational aspirations in an article for Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony magazine:
“As soon as completed, it will be possible for a business man in New York to dictate instructions, and have them instantly appear in type at his office in London or elsewhere. He will be able to call up, from his desk, and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the existing equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to another place. Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. More important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction.”
Today, scientists stress that part of what’s preventing the development of mainstream adoption of wireless power technologies is that today’s technology is inefficient. In 2007, a group of MIT scientists was able to power-up a 60-watt light bulb from a distance of two meters in order to demonstrate the feasibility of WPT Systems, but they were only able to do so at a 45% transfer efficiency.
This technology brings is one step closer to the dream of Nikola Tesla and worldwide access to free wireless electricity.
In the study published in Applied Physics Letters, the newly created system is able to maintain a staggering 80% of transfer efficiency while sustaining it at a distance of 20 centimeters with little to no loss associated with further distance. The new system has nifty improvements as well. According to researchers, the system is able to operate when the power transmitter and its received are in misalignment with an efficiency of 70% at a misalignment of 90 degrees, meaning that it is able to maintain its functionality when the transmitter and received are not facing each other at all.
The new system is based on resonance coupling. Resonance coupling functions by inducing two copper coils to resonate at similar frequencies, allowing energy to transfer between each other. According to reports, this is accomplished with the help of magnetic fields to ensure that magnetic fields from sources like the human body do not interfere with this frequency and prevent energy transfer. Researchers were able to accomplish a higher efficiency thanks to the use of “high-permittivity low-loss dielectric resonators” instead of traditional copper coils.
Researchers report that the new material has a higher refractive index which basically allows it to slow down electromagnetic waves travelling through them. This, in turn, allows the receiver and transmitter in the WPT system to have a stronger resonance, developing frequencies closer to that of each other and increase its efficiency.
This technology brings is one step closer to the dream of Nikola Tesla and worldwide access to free wireless electricity.
The Pyramids of Giza are considered one the greatest wonders of the world. Gerald Massey (29 May 1828 – 29 October 1907) was a poet and author of spiritualism. He was best known for his book Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World. He soon died after the book was published but it remains a staple today in academic circles. I remember reading a profound statement Massey made (and I paraphrase) when he said although he has been studying ancient Egypt for over 40 years, he felt his knowledge base on ancient Egypt was that of a child!
I wonder where his knowledge base would have been if he lived during our times; advanced enough to put the pieces together? There has been a tremendous amount of theories regarding the pyramids. In the earliest phases archeologist believe pyramids where nothing but tombs for the pharaohs. In essence, they believed the larger than life a pharaoh was correlated to the size of their pyramid.
Herodotus, in the 5th century BC, who has been called the “Father of History” wrote that Cheops never used the great pyramid as a tomb, but was buried elsewhere, “in a subterranean region on an island surrounded by the waters of the Nile.
Later theories morphed into showing the power of Egypt and they were aligned with celestial markers to honor their gods. Many dedicated authors studied over large chunks of their lives and have built compelling cases but it just might be really simple. Due to theft and looting we have been left with a shell and architectural clues. Suppressing the truth of the Great Pyramids of Giza leads back to the elite protecting their systems in order to stay filthy rich.
What we are looking at, when evaluating the Pyramids of Giza, was a multi-purpose energy system. This was free energy afforded to all of the people. All homes enjoyed light and power even the most rudimentary batteries stayed charged. I discovered a cymatic match on the Sumerian Tablet of Shamash which shows a particular frequency embedded in stone. I began to understand the ancient people used sound to move objects.
Recording of sound from near the Earth’s core.
The Great Pyramids of Giza harness the very sound waves from the inner core of the earth. Humans cannot hear the frequencies from the Earth but sound waves are emanating from the Earth. These pyramid cultures flourished because they took care of the basic needs of the people. This is exactly why these ancient empires lasted thousands upon thousands of years.
The Great Pyramid is flat dab in the center of the earth’s land mass and also acts like a fulcrum. This design takes advantage of the sound waves pushing out of the inner core into the shafts. Where the limestone dampens the low frequencies and only allows the highest frequencies to emanate out of the pyramid. The pyramids where coated with gold which conducted these high frequencies. This is why there was such a quest for gold from these ancient civilizations because it led to power…just not the kind most think!
Based on the size of the Pyramid of Giza a field of free energy was created around Egyptian cities. The ancient word for battery was djed and any battery in this field was constantly charged. Ankhs in this field had increased power and the darker the skin the higher the frequency a person could conduct. Rods were used to direct this power in a field for the intended purpose.
The Pyramid of Giza is essentially the world’s largest Pepco station! Due to its enormous size massive amounts of high frequency could be generated. The field must have went out for hundreds of miles! The Pyramid of Giza was flooded with water because sound travels about 4 times as fast in water as it does in air! Which means the high frequency were moving with increased velocity by the time it hit the crystals.
Due to the partial covalency of water's hydrogen bonding, electrons are not held by individual molecules but are easily distributed amongst water clusters giving rise to coherent regions capable of interacting with local electric and magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation .
Can you imagine living in a country that not only was responsible for the infrastructure and development of the nation, but provided FREE energy to the people? This was a time when people actually worked together and did amazing things because of FREE energy. Any device which required power was automatically powered if it was in this field; the caveat is you would have to know the tune.
The elements used to design the high frequency power stations were ferreted away after Napoleon’s “scientific” expedition. Soon after Napoleon’s return new patents for electronics began to emerge. After Napoleon’s army left the pyramids unprotected the ransacking began; but rest assured the components of the high frequency generator had already been removed. Knowing the Pyramid of Giza is a high frequency generator allows us to reverse engineer the necessary components based on the architecture of ALL of the shafts. Including the King and the Queen’s chamber, as they like to call it.
Now when I look at the King and Queen’s chamber I see a housing for the missing components. I believe there were customized crystals housed in these chambers. When the high frequency sped through the water then the crystals began to vibrate. A frequency so high it was undetectable by humans ears. Let’s get a better understanding of crystal used for frequency. A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency.
This means a precise frequency was generated, instrument, tools, and weapons had to be configured to this precise frequency allowing them to tune in and gain power! If you were an outsider and you needed power you had to be cleared and trained about the precise frequency. Any invention in the ancient land need only tune-in and massive amounts of free energy was available.
The Earth’s inner core has an inner core of its own, with crystals aligned in a different direction.
Let’s take a look at the architectural structure and you will see how The Great Pyramid’s design takes the energy from our rotating earth. Inside the Earth’s inner core are more crystals! Remember, I mentioned crystals were used in the King and Queen’s chamber? Well the Earth’s crystals created an ever present field of sound . . . we just can’t hear it; but it surely can be harnessed. As demonstrated by many ancient pyramid cultures.
This also explains why these ancient cultures lived in such harmony with the Earth because she was more than the sustainer of life. The ancients knew the Earth was a power station giving her children free energy. As a by-product of the Earth’s free spin her crystals vibrated frequency . . . sound waves. This explains the design of the “Unfinished Chamber” of the Pyramid of Giza, accepted by academia and perpetuated by the educational systems.
The “Unfinished Chamber” is quite finished. I assure you. It was designed to capture and direct the sound waves through the pyramid. In its rawest form the sound waves come bundled in low to the highest frequencies. Again, the water acted as a “turbo boost” pushing the frequencies through four times faster than if they merely passed through air. This allowed the King and the Queen’s crystals to vibrate and increase the propagating sound waves in the pyramid! The frequencies propagated toward the outside of the pyramid where the low frequencies were filtered out and only the high frequency escaped the pyramid. The gold coating on the Great Pyramid of Giza allowed the pyramid structure to resonate only the high frequency.
Now we understand why the ancient Egyptians decided to build the Great Pyramid at the exact center of the surface of the Earth’s land mass. That must have been the best location for acoustic capture of free energy! If the Earth’s core is a massive iron/crystal core at 1,500 wide silently ringing free energy around the earth who needs fossil fuels? We are all being distracted and the solutions are right in our face. We could replicate this basic design and transform every industry and change life for the better.
At one time the entire academic systems perpetuated the Pyramid of Giza was a tomb for Cheops. I can only suspect after the Napoleon’s “scientific” theft of the inner workings of the pyramids false notions were planted in academic circles. Even then the elite knew not to share free energy with the people; let alone, with an energy the elite could not profit off. The elite worked through secret societies that spanned the globe. There is a phrase that whoever wins the wars owns the history. As you can see the Pyramid of Giza is more than just a spiritual symbol or a show of great power . . . it is a transformer of great power!
This means all the other planets in our solar system . . . including our Sun emanate sound waves; a high frequency symphony waiting to get tapped like a college keg party. We need only to disconnect from our current path of being “fear-aholics” and “doomsday prophecy junkies.” We are being distracted as a human race on unprecedented levels. The irony is answers are right in our face yet all we need to do is to focus on them. Technology has reached such a place in conjunction with the Internet where we are becoming aware. Dots are being connected much quicker now.
Instead of focusing on doom and a rush to death we need to embrace being alive. We need to focus our collective consciousness on improving our lives through free energy. The ancients left us blueprints embedded in stone. We need only use our current scientific knowledge base to reverse engineer the solutions. Understanding the Earth is not only the sustainer of life but a free energy power station should guide us in protecting her. No more needs for hydrofracturing, oil, or gas because man needs to rape the Earth in order to collect these fossil fuels. It is time to wake up as a people and feel the vibrations.
There are 10 things we all do almost every day to sabotage our own happiness.
It is indeed the human way to get in our own way. Think about it: so much of what we do and don’t do keeps us from feeling content and satisfied. Having a happy heart and an open mind means we are winning at life.
When we can recognize the following ways we goal-tend our own happiness, we can begin to change our behaviors and habits so that we can win at life.
We procrastinate:
Many of us are all talk, no action. Especially when it comes to personal goals and what we really want out of life. What are your dreams and aspirations? Do you want to hike the Appalachian Trail or become the lead singer in a band? What is it that you’ve always wanted to try, do, see, explore?
We all have dreams and desires, but many of us take little or no action to get there. We procrastinate because we think we always have more time. The reality is, we have plenty of time, but boy does it fly by. We wake up one day, realize we are about to turn 50 and panic because we thought we had Way More Time to follow our dreams—but procrastinated and squandered it away instead. Happiness requires action, even if it’s difficult or if we are unsure.
“The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step” ~ Laozi
We stay indoors:
We stay inside when it’s perfectly beautiful outside. We look out our windows at the sunshine, and yet, somehow have to come up with a reason to go outside. We should not need a reason to get outside. Staying inside blocks happiness because it keeps the light from hitting our face, the sun from warming our soul, and the crisp, cool air from entering our lungs. Inside is boring. Get outside as often as possible and watch how your mood changes.
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
We let our junk and our chores pile up:
What’s up with the endless, needless junk? Why do we keep so much stuff? For what—so we can look at it? Having too much clutter in and around our homes clutters up our minds as well. When we purge the junk from every room in our house, we clear the path for happiness.
If an item doesn’t serve us in some way, we need to kick it to the curb. In the same regard, when we tick chores off our list, we can move on to brighter things. When we keep a tidy home, and chores are complete, we often feel the sense of serenity that cannot (and will not) come from anywhere else.
“Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination.” ~ Christina Scalise
We watch too much reality television:
We watch other people living their lives instead of living our own authentic lives. We are entertained by other people’s arguments, problems, and day to day activity. We watch people go out to eat, we watch them drink and smoke, we watch them get into fist fights and yell expletives. We watch them sit around the house and complain about problems that are not problems. We watch them do everything except go to work. We get wrapped up in these shows the same way we became wrapped up in the soap operas of the 70s.
When we lose ourselves in someone else’s version of reality, we do not confront our own reality. It’s a guilty pleasure like candy, food, drugs, and alcohol, but too much of that sh*t is bad for us.
“Watching too much television can triple our hunger for more possessions, while reducing our personal contentment by about 5 percent for every hour a day we watch.” ~ David Niven
We live in the future and in the past:
We pine nostalgically for the old days, or we keep thinking that tomorrow will be different. We often forget that the only living we need to do is in the present moment. Wishing we could change the past has never, in the history of humankind, changed the past. And while it’s good to think about the future in a positive way, the future has a funny way of unfolding based on the things we do in the present. Or, it’s completely unpredictable so there’s no sense getting caught up in what tomorrow will bring.
“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” ~ Gautama Buddha
Too much yes and not enough no:
All too often we are stretched to our limits—physically, mentally, at work, at home, and in many of our relationships. A lot of the time, this cannot be helped, but if we consciously recognize when we are being pulled out and spread thin, we can say no to what doesn’t serve our inner spirit. When we start serving our inner spirit, we make our own happiness a priority instead of pleasing other people in order to gain friendship or garner praise.
“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.” ~ Paulo Coelho
Frivolous Spending:
Money comes in, money goes out. We know where it comes from, but where does it all go? Much of the time we buy an abundance of items we just do not need. We buy clothes, new phones, new dishes, and freakin’ beaded pillows from Home Goods, and then we stop at TJ Maxx, where we get the maxx for the minimum. And it’s a rush because it’s all fun stuff we don’t need.
Most of it is just stuff we buy because we like the way it looks. We think it will make us happy. We are lured in by gimmicks and marketing and pretty packaging. No one needs a roll up jewelry organizer. No one needs another pair of running pants. When we decide what we need over what we want, we decide that happiness doesn’t come from stuff. Stuff can be fun, but too much stuff blocks our pathway to happiness.
“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” ~ Dave Ramsey
We Gossip:
Who doesn’t? It’s easy to poke fun at other people here and there. It’s especially easy to do it behind their backs. We roll our eyes and act like the other person’s behavior (or outfit, Facebook post, or hair color) doesn’t scare the sh*t out of us because we know that it’s so much like our own. “Did you see her in that dress?” Cue the eye roll. Cue the sigh and the nervous giggle. Meanwhile, we would love to wear that dress, if only we could feel as confident as she seems to feel.
It’s always important to remember that our own fears, insecurities and misgivings guide gossip. Before pointing out the flaws of others, we must indeed remember to practice kindness. To keep our hearts “pure,” exchange kindness for gossip (even if we think it’s harmless) when the opportunity presents itself.
“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
We Compare:
Our house is small and your house is big. We drive old cars, while yours are always new. She can run a 5K in under 25 minutes, while I can barely break 28. Someone will always have more, and someone will always run faster. Someone else’s kid will go to Harvard. That’s just the way it goes. Should we wallow in comparisons or should we concentrate on bettering ourselves and our circumstances? When we are happy with ourselves and we know that what we have is enough, we can rejoice when good things happen to other people.
“Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world, if you do so you are insulting yourself.” ~ Bill Gates
We prioritize things that don’t matter:
We all get 24 hours a day (hopefully) to do the things that are most important to us. Many things we say we want to prioritize get pushed to the back of the list by other, less worthy things. For example, we say we want to exercise and eat healthier, but it is often easy to make excuses. We let our excuses overrule our intended priorities. Therefore, exercise and healthier eating are not priorities after all.
Other examples may include spending time with our kids, or paying off debt. We lose focus when we pay more attention to our cell phones, or we buy impulsively. Our cell phones and our accumulated stuff become the priorities instead of our kids or our finances.
When we reevaluate our daily habits we often see how excuses and detrimental behaviors contribute to keeping us from what is really important, hence keeping us from contentment and peace in our lives.
“There’s no sense talking about priorities. Priorities reveal themselves. We are all transparent against the face of the clock.” ~ Eric Zorn
When we consistently block our own happiness by engaging in these practices, we are essentially blocking our own lives. Human beings are meant to live earnestly and well. We are meant to find joy in the endless possibilities of each new day, and to savor the time we’ve been given.
We need to get up, get outside, get away from the television, keep our wallets in our pockets, keep harmful words from leaving our mouths, and prioritize what matters.
“The clearest path to happiness emerges when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony” ~ Mahatma Gandhi